Are you doing your best for some kind of good purpose ? Are you in to sports and do you want to raise funds for your favourite purpose or project ? Apply then for the '100m of my life'.
Eight men and women will compete in the 100m of their life at the Belgacom Memorial Van Damme : a sprint race on the mythical track of the King Baudouin Stadium. Lotto will be adding € 5000 to the amounts that the candidates have already gathered from their individual sponsors. € 500 will be awarded to the winner of the event and so down to € 100 for the 8th place finisher.
An unforgettable experience for the candidates who will also be rewarded with a nice running outfit and two tickets for the meeting and for the Jamaican Party.The '100m of my life' will be scheduled between 19:00 and 20:00 hrs.
The participants:
Marouane Hallaoui-Boa Vista O Mundo vzw
Marouane Halloui will run the 100m of his life for "Boa Vista O Mundo", a NPO with a focus on better education for kids and citizens from the Baracca's of Boa Vista. "I want to help them improve their lives by creating a situation where they can care for themselves and their kids."
More info:<link http: _blank>
Nele Reygaerts-MS Liga
Nele Reygaerts will run the 100m of her life for "MS Liga". “As a MS patient, I want to show the world that life goes on. Even if you have MS! The money I will raise by running this 100m will be used for further research on MS."
More info:<link http: _blank>
Vincent Vandeputte-Vlaamse Diabetes Vereniging
Vincent's brother is a type 1 diabetes patient. To make his brother proud, Vincent will support the research on diabetes by running the 100m of his life!
More info:<link http: _blank>
Together with Karolien's PLOT.form,NGO Amani's Childrens home in Tanzaniacreated the largest shelter for homeless children in East-Africa. They try to reunite these children with their families or give them shelter and education. Karolien will run the '100m of her life' to keep up the good work in East-Africa!
More info:<link http: _blank>
Cindy Beynaerts-CKG De Schommel
Cindy will be running for CKG De Schommel, an organisation that provides shelter for children from families in crisis situations. "I would love to give these children the same things as our own children."
More info:<link http: _blank>
Gijs-Hart voor Jongeren
As a member of the Board of Directors, Gijs will be running for "Hart voor Jongeren. This organisation provides services for people who can't be a member of classic organizations because of age, abilities, ... .
More info:<link http: _blank>
Annelies-Welzijnszorg vzw
She willl be running for Welzijnszorg vzw, a NPO that is fighting against poverty in Flanders and Brussels. I know there is much more poverty then we expect. By running the "100m of my life" I hope to reduce this poverty.
More info:<link http: _blank>
Gert-Jan-Advocaten Zonder Grenzen
As law student, I will be running to support the organisation Advocaten Zonder Grenzen (Lawyers without borders). This organization is focussing on a more accessible way of justice and guarding the human rights.
More info:<link http: nl _blank>
Annick Isabeau-vzw Pinocchio
As a proud daughter, partner and colleague of firefighters, I want to run for the NGO "vzw Pinocchio" that supports young victims of burns on a psychological and medical way.
More info:<link http: _blank>
Anne Paulussen-Centrum voor reproductieve geneeskunde
Anne wants to run for the Centrum voor Reproductie Geneeskunde. After having donated ovules herself, she realizes the importance of her support for this center and for women with fertility problems.
More info:<link http: _blank>
Nicolas Vandoo-Responsible Young Drivers
Nicolas, wants to run for the Responsible Young Drivers, a vzw he started in 1999 after he lost his brother in a tragic car accident. This mission of the Responsible Young Drivers is to make young people aware that drinking and driving does no go along.
More info:<link http: _blank>
Filip Arickx-Levensloop (stichting tegen kanker)
Filip will run for LEVENSLOOP, Stichting tegen Kanker. As his family was affected several time by cancer, he is very much aware of the importance for the research on this disease.
More info:<link http: relays aalter-2013 _blank>
Kaat De Ruijter-Vista Nova school
Kaat will soon be working as a volunteer in the Vista Nova School in Kaapstad. As a gym teacher for disabled children she want to earn money to optimise the infrastructure.
More info:<link _blank>
Roel Schuurmans-Belgisch centrum voor Geleidehonden vzw
Roel will run to support the organization that trains guide dogs for people with a visual disability. "I already support this amazing organization, but every bit of extra gives them the opportunity to train even more dogs."
More info:<link http: _blank>
Joris Joosten-Villa Clementina
As a parent of a 3 year old girl with a dangerous heart disease, Joris will run for Villa Clementina in Zemst. This day care for children untill 6 years, with orwithout disabilities, is unique in Belgium. Thanks to its uniqueness, it is like a gift from heaven for parents like Joris. "They do brilliant work over there and can use all the support to expand the facilities."
More info:<link http: _blank>
Gaelle Verspeelt-Think Pink
"It is my dream to raise money for an amazing charity like Think Pink! If you are being confronted with breast cancer with family and/or friends, you realize how valuable life is."
More info:<link http: _blank>